The Glory of the Search

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter.
Scientists from generation to generation have long understood that our Creator established multidimensional laws that govern the universe and multifaceted sequences that govern our being; generating from the very intricate function of our microscopic cells and the chemical and electric forces that determine everything from physical growth to emotions and thoughts. 
We live in a veritable knowledge explosion, yet many, I dare even suggest most, of the world’s population is unlearned, ignorant of the matters of the world around us. What matters?  What is an important matter? What is a vital matter? What is a matter to be searched out with vigor and determination?

I suggest that depends entirely on each individual person.  God’s Word calls those who have accepted the sacrifice of the only Son on our behalf “priests” and “kings”.  You don’t have to feel like a king.  You just have to believe and agree with the Word. As a king, it is your glory to search out a matter.

What is the matter with you? Do you struggle with a complex calculation involved in your occupation or is there a relationship matter you need to search out an answer to?  Whatever the matter is, you can gain the knowledge required to conquer and control the outcome for yourself.  You may not be able to change another person or manipulate figures to be anything they are not, but you can see the matter in the light of wisdom and act on that knowledge accordingly.
Whether a chemical engineering project that you must complete and present to a client or some mechanical job that requires you to envision the anticipated result in order to properly install every piece, you can ask God for wisdom.  He gives it liberally and without reproach. 
Perhaps the matter is obscured by tumult.  Turmoil in relationships can really blur issues that when addressed would result in peace and harmony.  The ability to establish a vision for the relationship, a sense of purpose that those involved could truly pursue and allow all kinds of irritations and faults to go practically unnoticed. God establishes families.  He has plans for us, to give us a hope and a future.  Is one person or another carrying baggage from the past that if laid aside would bring freedom?
To lay it down doesn’t mean to ignore it.  On the contrary, it means to recognize its grip and declare that there is nothing that can impede your progress.  As you acknowledge the pain or difficulty, the mistrust and undesirable behavior, you will recognize future triggers of the matter and be able to manage the emotions and direct appropriate behaviors that will bring prosperity to the relationship.  If you get anxious and defensive when faced with a scheduling conflict, unpack your fears, but then seek ways to allay them. Talk about possible outcomes, postulate all the implications and discuss perspective, in terms of short and long term consequences.  You will likely find that the problem is easily resolved and you can be at peace.
Whatever the matter is and whatever the reason, we can search it out and get good results.  Perhaps the matter is lack of money.  You may need to refine your spending plan, make a few cuts in how much is spent for a while, alter the way you are paying to avoid and finance charges, or simply go without some things until you can increase your income.  Many times the matter is a result of our own bad choices. God still promised to give us wisdom, if we ask.  This is great news.
Searching out the matter is your glory. Is there a matter you can search out today?
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