Puppy Love

My daughter breeds Labrador Retrievers.  She has a Chocolate dam that delivered seven very lively puppies by cesarean section last Sunday morning.   She had been laboring all through the night and she was getting exhausted.  My daughter had stayed up all night.  So, at 6am when I checked on her and she hadn’t progressed, we went into the emergency vet.  The veterinarian was great.  She examined the dam and got prepped, called for some help and the puppies were all safe and sound by 10am. 

The team was still closing the incision when we got back from a local restaurant, where we’d gone during the surgery.  The staff was so excited.  They brought two of the puppies out to the waiting room where we were and were simply giddy with joy.  They were so happy.  They said, “We don’t get to see new life very often.   This is great for us.  What a treat.”  The two that they brought had been a bit slow to liven up.  The attendants had to rub them and rough them up to get them to breath.  They were very active by the time we saw them and they make sound not too dissimilar to that of new born children.                                                                     They are a week old now.
Newborn Labrador puppies don’t look like adult Labs.  They are the right color, have fur and all their parts, but they are very disproportionate.  They have very short legs and tails.  Their eyes and ears are closed and they are shaped like kidney beans with five little roots. This dam has large puppies.  They were each close to one pound.
I could not help, but think about the paradox that existed.  I mean the place was so clean, they had modern equipment and up to date technology.  The staff was caring and gentle.  They worked so hard to provide for the lives of these animals. 
In Philadelphia, Kermit Gosnell is on trial for murder.  He killed a woman, who was in his clinic for a late term abortion.  The facility was filthy with warn and tattered furniture.  It was described as a house of horrors.  He had kept the tiny baby body parts in jars and other containers and in the freezer.  The charges include many counts infanticide.  The staff members have testified that it was routine to snip the necks of the infants, many of whom were born alive and moving, some strong enough to make noises.  A staff member told authorities of screeches heard at times.  He killed babies.  That is how he made his money.  The atrocities are so numerous and have been the subjects of many other articles.
As we sat waiting for our dam, all I could think of was, “What would be the reaction, if we decided we couldn’t afford seven puppies.  What if I asked the staff to clip their spines with scissors, the way that Gosnell and his staff had done to scores of children?”  After all, I wanted the dam back.  I just wanted to kill the puppies.  I can only imagine.  They would likely throw us out of the place.  They might call Animal Control to rescue the dogs from us.  We would probably have been placed under investigation of cruelty.  I don’t think we could be arrested, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
At one clinic in our state more than a thousand babies are killed by surgical abortion annually.  They give chemical abortions too and birth control pills, which work by inhibiting ovulation, causing cervical mucus to thicken blocking sperm and by making the uterus inhospitable if conception occurs, expelling the tiny new human. 
There are a few people who pray there every week and offer information and help to try to dissuade women from killing their children, but there is no outrage from the general public, little to no media and no investigations, arrests or charges of any kind. 
I’ve read that archeologists have found clay jars with tiny infant bodies that had apparently been stored in the walls of Jericho.  It was common practice in pagan culture to keep the bodies of sacrificed babies in the walls to appease demons. If you recall the old Bible story goes that the Israelites marched around the city seven days and seven times on the seventh day.  Then, the people all shouted and blew the trumpets and the city walls came crashing down.  One lesson is that if a people sacrifice their children, the walls of protection will fall. 
I hope that the US will enact legal protections for women, babies and our country, but with the current administration’s endorsement of these brutal murders, it will be by a miracle.  You and I can make a difference though, one heart at a time, one life at a time by supporting ministries that on the front lines and providing help to women and by prayer asking God to intervene.  Perhaps His protection will continue. 
Are there ways you can stand up for the lives of women and babies at risk?
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