Think, Think, Think!

Think About What You are Thinking About
Have you ever gotten so sidetracked with anxiety or frustration, so bogged down that you were ineffective at work or school?  There are times when a lie someone sold or an injustice against me or someone else that just keeps me up at night.  For years, I would remain exhausted from sleepless nights and full, but unproductive days.
Did you know that you can decide to think on purpose?  I am not talking about turning the TV on or tuning the radio for a momentary distraction.  I mean that you can really tell your brain what to think.  It’s true.  You can train your brain to think the best, almost automatically.  It takes a while.  You will need to practice, you have to work at it, but it can be done.
You just need to fine the tools that work best for you.  At first, you will most likely need to speak out loud to yourself to interrupt the thoughts.  If the clerk at the store is exceptionally rude, you are thinking, “What a B*&%#.”  You can actually think, “She must be having a really bad time. I hope she feels better soon.”  At first you might say nothing to them, but tell yourself that it was their own business and shrug it off. When you get really good at it, you might be able to be instantly compassionate and say, “I hope you have a great day” or “I hope your evening gets better” or “God bless you”.  When you smile and are kind, good chemicals are released in your brain and you create a positive feedback loop.
Conversely, when you dwell on your pain or frustrations, adverse chemicals are released in the brain which can cause all kinds of problems.  Headaches and stomach aches are just the beginning.  If you are already suffering from aches and pains, it can be difficult to keep yourself on track, but you can do it.  Remember that laughter is good, like a medicine and that brain chemicals operate by feedback.
Keep thinking about what you are thinking about. Set your mind on things that are good for you, that will build you up and that stir your imagination of peace and prosperity. Don’t allow anger to cloud your judgment.   
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.  Words from the Bible: Philippians chapter 4, verse 8.
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