Light Pushes

Light Pushes through the mist from the street lamp.  Its reach seems to be limited to the immediate area of illumination, but I realize that the light has actually reached the ground and surrounding area, diffuse and dim.

Likewise, hope pushes through my circumstances.  I read stories and watch the news about so many tragic, horrible events.  I can look at my own life and get down because of unmet expectations or difficulties. We live in a fallen world, full of strife and real evil.  Stupidity seems to reign.  Crimes of all sorts are perpetrated in view of others, cameras and for the most transient, insignificant reasons.  So much of it isn’t as much evil as foolish.

Even when I have a severe bout of depression, one lasting weeks in which tears are ever present and my only desire is to lie down and not get up, one in which I find myself shrugging and shaking my head unconsciously as I try to plot out my time, trying to get through each day is a struggle, hope is a tiny light.

Anyone and everyone can get pulled under, if they look around and focus on the bad stuff.  There is so much of it and our modern media is constantly pumping out sensationalism. Drawing on our emotions is the way to get and keep our attention.  

But how do we fan the spark into a flame that will get us out of the slump?  I suggest that each of us must decide to take the measures that we need to in order to resist depression.  If that means meds or exercise, change of diet or sunlamp, supplements or counseling, we must.  There is too much to do.  We must engage.  

There are so many issues to confront for the sake of our fellow humans.  Each of us is here for a reason.  Each of us has a particular purpose and no one else on the planet is so precisely equipped to solve the problems of our time.  

You are important.  You have special gifts and talents.  You have a mission.  

Find out what it is and refuse to allow the circumstances of your life to stop you.

In pain? Broke? No time? Disabled? Depressed? Contagious illness? 

If you are reading this, no circumstance will stop you from your destiny.  

Slow movement in the right direction is still movement. Do something.

Do you have hope enough for goals each day?

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