Do You FB?

I Facebook.

I really enjoy it.  From the cute to the controversial, I love to like and comment.  It has been a way to connect with people of like mind and it is a tool for things like missing people to gain exposure.  Some people use it for family, some for fun, some for ministry or promoting their views.  There are politicians and pundits, brokers and entrepreneurs everywhere.

I have a diverse group of Friends.  Many are from real-estate, many are pro lifers, some family, from my church, friends of my children, and political friends.  On occasion I have no idea how we are friends and some of my friends are of no consequence to me at all.  They may be friends of friends or friends of a person that I don’t even know.

FB has so many positive aspects.  Community and camaraderie are important, as are dispute and discussion.  It can get pretty intimate at times with too much information shared between people in public.  I wonder if the same people would have that conversation in a grocery store or the mall.  Other times it can get so nasty.  I wonder if the isolation of the computer screen gives some people bravado that they lack in ‘real life’.

I am relatively non-confrontational on my own behalf, but I can stick up for others in person and online.

FB has some negatives too though.  One is the ‘last year’s post’.  This could be a very old post of an event or story, even a missing person report that has long since been resolved.  It can be ridiculous to share, causing angst among real friends or just make a person look foolish.

Then there is the memes and pictures.  You have heard of photoshop, right?  Some pictures are not real.  Some pictures of people with a meme plastered on the top or bottom are not quotes!  So many times people are lead to believe that the meme is attributable to the person in the pic.  I laugh at the responses, but in some cases it can cause trouble when people believe it.  You cannot believe everything on your wall.

I think it was Ronald Reagan that said, “Trust, but verify.”

So, do you FB?

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