I am, Are You?

We think about things all the time.  We think about what we have to do, what others are doing, what we want done, how a conversation went, what we which we’d said, what someone else said.  We think about work, bills and investments.  We think about the way we feel or we think thoughts that others think.

By reading or watching media, we allow the imagination of other people dictate our thoughts.  It may be that while we watch a show we engage in the story only to forget all about it later, but sometimes the stories we see or hear stay with us.  Some stories haunt us, some inspire us toward greater living and some make us sad or disheartened.

You and I can decide what we think about. Dr. Caroline Leaf has a streaming broadcast of videos that encourage us to take control of our thoughts based on 2 Corinthians 10:5.

…casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bring all thoughts into the captivity to the obedience of Christ…

That is a very powerful passage.  I could spend a long time right here.  Basically, we have the power to choose what we think and what we delete from our thinking.

It doesn’t mean that we won’t be exposed to hurtful things, bad situations or difficult circumstances.  It does mean we can choose how we will process the information we receive.

I love that it is the obedience of Christ, not our obedience.  While I do try to obey God’s Word, I could never do that the way Christ did, in perfect obedience. When I think about His obedience, I recognize that He loves me and the He is ever making intercession for me in Heaven.

Those are some good, healthful thoughts.  Thought like that bring freedom and comfort.  So many times the thoughts from media: TV, movies and music bring worry, torment or despair.  I don’t want to live in bondage.

I am bringing my thoughts captive and not allowing them to run wild.  Are you?

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