
Cut Flowers, Not People

These beautiful tulips were a gift from my daughter for my birthday.  The appearance of spring is welcome, even if it is in a vase.  They lasted nicely for a littler more than a week.

Then they looked like this:

They are kind of wrinkly, wilted, maybe a bit saggy and dry looking.  Their leaves are drooping and they are less bright, but they are still colorful and they are still lovely. 

    Life can seem like that.  We start out small, grow, blossom and open our blooms wide.  Then we fade a bit, wrinkle etcetera. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever. Isaiah 40:8  “For God so loves the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should have eternal life. Our Creator God wants us to live with Him forever.” John 3:16

Observing the tulips’ transition reminded me of my age and that of others around me.  As we age, we can be relegated to a corner because we aren’t as bright as we used to be or maybe not as colorful, as entertaining as one thought of.  We wrinkle.  We droop.  We age.  The same basic process is universal. 

Some people age well, acquiring wisdom with experience and sharing their knowledge to enhance the people around them.  While others, not so much.  They get bitter and resentful. Scorn is their trademark.  They are the ones left to themselves, feeling neglected, the vicious cycle is perpetuated by their own demeanor. 

Even people of faith can fall into this trap.  Offense has a way of destroying people.  It dwells and is stronger when we feed it by mulling over the past hurts and injustices.  It becomes a root of bitterness in our hearts and as it grows, it becomes a strangle weed, choking the love out of our lives.

Like the flowers in my vase, we can be cut off from the life giving love that our relationship with Jesus Christ gives us.  Unlike the flowers, we can simply decide to ask God to restore our relationship and we will again be nourished by His love supernaturally.  We can cut off the root of bitterness and receive the life giving, life preserving love of God in our lives.  We can look and feel younger, brighter, more colorful and entertaining.  We can live well until the end of our natural lives. 

As ProLifers involved in the political/legislative process, our concern is not just with our own lives, but we are actively promoting the right to life for all people, even and especially those with a root of bitterness.  We hope they live to find love, especially the love of the Father.  While society is ready to throw out people who they deem unworthy, we work to preserve their right to life because we clearly see that they are still beautiful in His sight.

How can we convey the value of people as they lose their vibrant expression?
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