Without Spot…

The night before I was scheduled to speak at my church’s ProLife Sunday, I had a dream.  In the dream, I was entering a church building for an event with a lot of people, a crowd really.  There was about five feet of space between the woman in front of me and myself.  She had a dress with a bright pattern, but there was clearly a large stain where she’d sit on her dress.  I saw it, but was distracted by the crowd and I didn’t say anything to her.

I awoke, got ready to go and remembered the  dream on the drive to church.  Why didn’t I say anything?  How could I think so little of it?  Did I think I would embarrass her?

It struck me as I spoke to the congregation that it might have been an indication of the state of the clergy as it relates to the body about abortion.  It has come up on my social media that there are pastors and even a few priests that have said that abortion is not a sin or that it is not a sin in case of rape.

How ridiculous is that?  My friend Rebecca Kiessling wrote an article that clearly delineated the pertinent Scripture references and spelled out God’s view in no uncertain terms.

At the service I concentrated on the Scriptures that provided a context of personhood for the pre born babies as well as the infirm, injured and demented elderly.  My primary purpose was to encourage the congregation to get out and vote for ProLife candidates.  Since we were in church, I used redemptive Scripture and spoke of the fact that our God wants to love us.

Deuteronomy 30:19 says that the Lord has called heaven and earth as witnesses against us, that He has set before us life and death, blessings and cursing, therefore, He admonishes, choose life that you and your descendants would live.

When we choose death for our children, we rob God of His treasured relationships.  Our value is inestimable.  We are His highest, the crescendo of all of His creation: His Heart’s desire is to love each and every one of us.

As His people, we must talk about the value of life in church.  As pastors, priests, teachers and leaders, we will be held to a higher standard and judged for our exposition of His will.  His will is clearly spelled out in the Scriptures.

You shall not murder.  Choose life that you and your descendants should live.  Turn from your wicked ways and receive the free gift of salvation paid for by the Son.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

In a culture craving death, how are we to share the gospel, if we aren’t conveying the value of every single life?

God’s plan for people has always been to love us.  He wants us to love Him too.  He created us like Himself, with free will.  He never changes though.  His character is love.  His plan with His Son and Holy Spirit to sacrifice Jesus as a transgression offering was mutually agreed upon. The Triune God planted the Son to raise up a whole family.  He desires to love every person on earth.

In a culture craving death, how are we to share the gospel, if we aren’t conveying the value of every single life?

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