People are Amazing

The best thing about being a person is the continuous development. From one cell, produced when two cells meet and combine DNA, we are who we are. But wait, there’s more: our physical development is just the beginning.

Our cells will grow in line with the blueprints designed for us in our DNA. We will develop the eye color, the shape and size of our little bodies and the specific features that are in the plan. Each of us has a basic distillation of components that don’t change, right inside of every single cell of our bodies.

We do have the added influence of environment and nutrition. So, even if you’re genetic code dictates that you’ll be tall, if you do not have the necessary diet, nutrients and exercise you won’t grow to your fullest potential. If your parents are both very short and sedentary, maybe even rotund, but you are exceptionally active and work hard at getting great nutrition, you could be taller and thinner than they are.

It’s all in degrees. We do have that base line that dictates certain perimeters. Other than a few hard fast genetic limitations, though, people are amazing.

God’s Word says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” This is found in  the book of Proverbs, Chapter 23 and verse 7. Proverbs is known as a book of wisdom. There are loads of idioms and similes, direct admonition and proverbs that help us understand the dignity of life.

When we meet people, we are really only getting a snapshot of who they are. They have grown and changed and will continue to do so, as long as they live. We can choose. If we are lucky and very careful, we can get to know another person really well. This is often the case in marriages and family, but also among some individuals in friendships.

I stress again, though, that even when you know someone well, they can and likely will change with circumstances, experiences and influences. The change can be totally internal, in attitudes or ideas, but also external, by physical changed due to diet, exercise or an accident or disease or by surgical intervention. There is always a subtle, maybe imperceptible development going on in us.

Their basic human quality doesn’t change. The fact that they are each a person, created by God and designed for love, can be masked or buried, but it is foundational.

There has been a huge increase in violence among children and youth in recent years. We can debate the cause for a century, but the fact is, there is a distinct disrespect for the value of human life and that needs to be addressed.

Scripture tells us that in the last days perilous times will come and that the intents of the hearts of people will be evil continually. That is so scary. It would seem that isn’t too far away, if we watch the news.

There are plenty of really good people in the world still, that care about every person. The Word also tells us at some point Holy Spirit will be taken out of the way. That is when I think that horrible time will be ushered in. When people utter reject God in every way and at all time.

For now, let us who care about people remain steadfast in loving, caring, helpful attitudes. Let us continue to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves. Let us who have a voice, be that voice of reason and respect for others. Let us always clearly declare that people are of inestimable worth and value.

In what ways do you try to impact your circle of influence? What’s your story? How can you be a thought leader?

  • Darlene,
    I love this post! It’s amazing how much can be filtered differently depending on our world view, but if we start with God’s love, we should be able to walk with confidence and boldness. He beautifully made each of us and loves us very much. What a great reminder! Thank you for sharing 🙂

    June 15, 2015 at 5:57 pm
  • Darlene

    Thank you for your kind words, Myhriah.
    You are so right about worldview. I cannot comprehend what compels some people to do the things they do. Thank God, we can share our perspectives and encourage each other toward loving responses.
    Thank you again,

    June 17, 2015 at 9:30 am

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