The Snow is Gently Falling

The snow is gently falling again this morning. After weeks of phone calls and emails and social media posts for presidential hopefuls, it’s calm. It is time for reflection in New Hampshire, unless you are heavily involved in a campaign. It’s time to clean up from all the massive activity, whether your candidate did well or not.

A Presidential Primary in NH can be a difficult time. It can impact relationships. It can adversely effect health and productivity. There is a lot more than money expended here.

I didn’t live any where, when I didn’t live here. I was invisible to most people, raped and used and abused for months on end, starved, and attempting suicide numerous times. I’d had more than my share of pain in my short life. My first child was conceived as a result of child sex trafficking.

My pregnancy was not conceived in violence as some see it. Although years of violence proceeded it. I was sustained in an apartment, in which the name on the lease was a candidate for sheriff. I’d met him a couple of times, but he was never there. The man holding me seldom used violence directly. He used my tragic state. He knew that he could convince me that I had no place to go. He was a small-time, organized crime boss. The display of his power came in the form of signed over deeds to property, large wads of cash, young, strong men that would jump at his command, a small legit business, friends on the police force and the City Council, and more friends and associates in the crime families around the Boston area.

All I new as a child and youth was corruption. No one could be trusted. Everyone had some ulterior motive. Careful manipulation would get what they really wanted. I did finally meet some people who held a higher moral standard. For a long time, I surrounded my self with the latter. Soon, I was at the opposite end of the spectrum. I’d expected everyone to be good, even altruistic.

The moral depravity pronounced by Governor Christie yesterday brought me back to reality.

Using feigned compassion to approve the destruction of another human being is the hight of arrogance to me. He’s not alone, I have talked to others in positions of power. They may have families, but they don’t actually care about others. In Governor Christie’s speech, the implication that a tiny, helpless, innocent child could be killed in self defense is… indefensible.

But why? Why use the same argument that the lawyers used early in the Roe case? Why pit mothers against their own children?

Why increase the pain of raped, trafficked, abused girls by advocating for abortion for them. Abortion; the scraping, chopping and suctioning from their inner most being… Why?         They have already known so much violence.

They have been violated to the core. You would tell them that they should now have their maternity stolen. Their dignity is crushed. You would now tell them, after all they’ve been through, that now they should violate another, that is their own child and that will somehow make it better?       No, Sir, it won’t.

Why justify the intentional killing of another innocent human being?

Why stand on the principle that is so cruel in reality? What do you think his reason is?  What gain is there? Who will benefit?

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