Supreme Injustice

Judges have led people to destruction throughout time. Of course, there are good judges too. I believe in the end, abortion will be seen as supreme injustice at the Judgement Seat of Christ.

Supreme Injustice

The Supreme Court of the US has taken on the role of lawmaker. This is not the original intent of the courts. Lawmakers are supposed to be elected, not appointed. Judges are supposed to decide cases based on established law. It is not for them to make the laws or void them to advance an agenda. Judicial supremacy has been a problem for almost 6o years.

Our Supreme Court has a mix, but the bad ones are really setting us up for a major fall. You see, recently, the Court has decided that abortion clinics don’t need to comply with State laws dictating safety standards for medical facilities. Widening hallways, so emergency personnel can get in and get a patient out, and requiring doctors have hospital privileges, among other things, has been deemed an undue burden for abortion vendors.

Basically, the killing centers are to remain completely self-regulated. So, the people who make their money in the abortion business, dismembering babies, are somehow immune to standard practices. They need not comply with competencies or prove the facility meets any safety regulations that other surgical centers do.

Planned Parenthood and other abortion vendors may continue to market to our children and slaughter the next generation with the full cooperation of the Court. This has been the case since January 22, 1973, but now, there is no expectation of legitimate physician’s practices being followed.

Will There Be Justice?

Hopefully, this will mean the death-knell for the abortion industry. Abortion already has such a terrible stigma. Young people are more pro-life than their predecessors. Technology has proven the humanity of pre-born babies. Gosnell and others have had horrendous conditions in their facilities exposed. ATTWN is helping people leave the abortion industry. Former abortion vendors are speaking out about the reality of abortion.

Where is the church? They are so busy with building campaigns and broadcasts and social media that they are missing a tremendous opportunity to grow the kingdom of God. It is with the permission of the churches that abortion continues today, to our tremendous shame.

Justice for All

The purity movement put so much pressure on kids, that abortion is more preferable than being pregnant. They are being told that their ‘problem’ will go away, but that simply isn’t so. Having an abortion doesn’t make a woman any less a mother. It just means she is the mother of a dead child. We are created with an instinctual need to protect others. Abortion strips us of that, exposing us to guilt and shame beyond our wildest dreams.

We are designed to be part of a community. Abortion isolates in various ways. It is a supreme injustice to kill an innocent person. We see that when the police kill someone. We see it when terrorists do it. There is little difference with abortionists, except that their victims are seldom seen. They prey on the weakest and most vulnerable of society.

Abortion vendors market with intense propaganda. They are infiltrating the government schools and gathering their clients right under our noses. They do not genuinely care about the life and dignity of all human beings. Some of the staff may care, but they are deceived. For many, self preservation means believing abortion is the answer to their problems. It’s not.

True Justice

The answers start a whole new path that must now be navigated. As in days of old, wherein housing and help was provided to moms in distressing situations, girls and women today need the same. But today, they need it without the added shame. Today’s youth have been brought up in a hyper sexualized culture. It’s not their fault. The Church really needs to step up, reach out, and make that way for restoration.

It is the Good News of the redemptive power of our creator that brings answers, hope, and healing. Brutally killing  the smallest, most defenseless members of the human race brings shame, guilt, anxiety, anger, depression, bursts of rage, addictions, and abuses of all kinds. These woes are natural consequences of the unnatural act of killing one’s own child.

Life is hard and full of suffering. Abortion makes it harder. The laws of nature and nature’s God cannot be changed: broken, but not changed. Therefore, when broken, repercussions surely follow.

The latest Supreme Court decision means that journey will be way more damaging than before. There will be more casualties. Hopefully, people will see the truth before it’s too late for them.

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