Pro-life All Ways

I have written before about the many ways one can be pro-life. Everyone of us can be pro-life all ways. Anyone can be a beacon of light in this dark world. Simply being kind to a homeless person or an elderly shut-in are important to fend off depression that may lead to early death. Our kindness to our family is also very important. They need to know they are valued. Don’t we all?

What’s Pro-Life?

Actively opposing abortion, by offering help at the doors of the abortion vendors can literally save lives and protect futures in tangible ways. Providing resources at maternity homes and crisis pregnancy centers. Helping to secure the hearts and minds of families that might be afraid they cannot handle an unexpected pregnancy. Filling a room with resources fills hearts with hope.

Sharing the truth about abortion and euthanasia in our world activates the consciousness of others. Creatively spreading the message that people are precious and valuable, not because of what they can do. Knowing our value is solely because we are human beings stills fearful hearts. Promoting human dignity and social justice emphasizes the value of people.

The law is a teacher. By working to enact legislation that protects and promotes the right to life, lawmakers are saving lives and the futures of families. Some states have enough life loving people in leadership that they have denied funding to abortion vendors. Denied funding  for their sex education and sexually transmitted disease work. Access to young people in schools creates a circular business model for the abortion vendors. Abortion devalues life and devalues women and their innate dignity.

Sadly, the truth is in many places around the world and especially here in New Hampshire, people in elected office have done great damage to the dignity of individuals. New Hampshire has no laws protecting the preborn and their mothers from the abortion vendors. There are valiant men and women in office, but not enough.

What’s Not

Our current governor has accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from the largest abortion vendors in the world, Planned Parenthood. They shed more innocent blood than we could ever imagine. Other lawmakers have taken this blood money too. Then, they push the agenda of devaluing human life and degrading women, stealing their futures and destroying their integrity.

The abortion industry in NH is shrouded in secrecy. There are no inspections of facilities, no audits of insurance or Medicaid charges, no anonymous statistics, no women’s right to know laws. So, the abortion vendors are completely in charge of how they conduct business. They make their money by chopping up the smallest and most vulnerable human beings on earth.

I think it unethical for lawmakers to take money from abortion vendors and then, block laws that might promote the right to live and back laws that promote the right to kill.

Do You Agree?

Doesn’t it sound wrong for an elected official to take money from the abortion vendors, Planned Parenthood. Then, award the same, Planned Parenthood, with grants to keep up their abominations?

It is a national shame that abortion is legal throughout pregnancy and that legal protections for disabled and elderly people are being chipped away. Not only is it a shame, but it may very well lead to our demise as a nation. I believe that we have a creator that gave instructions about how to live here on earth and his pinnacle creation is being summarily destroyed.

I’m praying for the elections all across the country. Up and down the ticket. Maybe there will be places that will advocate for the rights of human beings to live safe from the threat of imposed death. One can hope, right?

Being pro-life all ways means recognizing the unusual ways we think of being pro-life as well as the obvious.

I’d love to continue the conversation. What ways are you pro-life?


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