Lyme Life ~Why I Quit My Doctor

If the Bible is true, I am healed. So, I quit my doctor.

Why quit my doctor?

Actually, there is a lot more to it than that. It’s true the Scriptures say that we were healed. A few of passages say we are healed. It says that Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil.

I’m grateful for my docs. They have been so helpful and I don’t know if I would still be here without their help. We tried lots of things over the last 20 months. We chased symptoms and resolved a bunch of stuff. I learned so much. How to use food differently. To use supplements differently. To view activity differently. I use my energy in different ways. I pray differently. But the doctor is not my healer.

Lyme Disease is horrible. It is a curse I wish upon no one. The fact that is so common astounds me. Lyme affects people so differently. Some people have lots of symptoms. A few people have a few symptoms. Some people are better after a relatively short term. Others spend many years and tons of money trying to get well. Some people live. But some people merely exist. Some people get suicidal. Some get a whole new perspective and fight like a valiant worrier. I’ve known people who became completely incapacitated by the intense pain. Others are inconvenienced.

I was undiagnosed most of my life. Chasing symptoms that ranged from severe depression to vibrant high functioning. For so many years, I was told the problem was all in my head. Then, I had an MRI and it proved it! The evidence could be seen by the docs now too. There are Lyme lesions on my scans.

Struggling through

This last few months, I have been feeding my faith in healing, but struggling with symptoms. If you’ve read the blog, you have probably noticed the ups and downs.

Why couldn’t I just receive healing, like so many others I’d known. I prayed for my husband many years ago and he was healed of a fibroid tumor in his lung. Yet, I still had trouble. It didn’t make any sense.

My dear friend reminded me of the various ways people had been healed in the Bible. The woman with the issue of blood had been sick 12 years. She decided that she needed to touch the hem of His garment, to access His authority. One blind man had received instant healing, but another had some mud made with Jesus’ spit and he still had to activate his faith by washing it off. The man in the temple had to reach out his hand, a clear action on his part. Jesus spoke the word to one and He put His hands on another. He required actions from some and others were healed without any effort at all. There are other ways and stories too.

So, what was my problem? I was asking the wrong questions. I needed to ask what my point of contact is, my personal key to faith for healing. Would simply reading Scriptures on healing be the catalyst for me or was there another corresponding action? Faith without works is dead, right?

I quit my doctor to find out. When my faith is in prescription medicines, I will go to a doctor. If it is in foods and diet, I will be diligent. If my faith for healing is in something else, I will stay with that.

Since this is a brand new revelation, I will let you know how it goes.

What is your faith in?

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