Do SBA Endorsements Cost Lives?

Here in NH, a female candidate that says she’s pro-life with exceptions in cases of rape and incest, who also maneuvered against recognizing a preborn child as ‘another’ in cases of where a pregnant woman is killed, received an endorsement from Susan B. Anthony List. I believe such endorsements cost lives.

Do Endorsements Cost Lives?

Susan B. Anthony List, for those of you who don’t know, is ostensibly in place to promote pro-life candidates. Their Google description notes, “…primarily women.” It was named for activist Susan B. Anthony, who had a huge role in securing rights for women, not the least of which, is the right to vote.

They say they want to end abortion. However, their “primarily women” approach is not consistent with ending abortion.

Prohibitive abortion laws in this country started to fall by directly increasing confused compassion. Roe v. Wade was about rape. A woman who has conceived by rape needs care, compassion, and resources and she needs them throughout her pregnancy and she needs caregivers and the rest of us to acknowledge that two victims are now in need.

Trauma victims and women with crisis pregnancy have always been with us. In the early years of our country, homes were provided to help these women through with dignity and grace. They were empowered to care for their children by parenting or giving their children a forever family through adoption. Women were afforded support and kindness. They were given the resources they needed to transform a bad situation into a better situation.

Who will help?

Churches historically vilified the aggressors and helped the victims, both of them. These days, we have church leaders advocating the brutal murder of the second victim and politicians who make it law.

SBA has endorsed elitist women over truly pro-life men across the country. I call them elitist, because they decide that abortion should be illegal for some, but not for others, specifically, those women who have been raped, suffered child sexual abuse by family, or trafficked by pimps.

Elitist lawmakers decide who has value and who doesn’t. These politicians decide which women should be protected from the abortion vendors and who should not.

Women who suffer trauma from rape or incest or trafficking, which is daily rape multiple times per day, “are not worthy of protection.” That is the clear message from these lawmakers and candidates.

Among women who don’t abort 70% had their babies, and none regretted their decision and 78% of those who aborted had regrets and said that abortion was the wrong solution. See the factsheet here.

They and their children are targets for the abortion vendors. Abortion vendors, who often cover up the crimes against them as they cut their children from their wombs. Then, they send them back to their abusers for more. How can this be?

Supposed ProLife Organizations

Organizations that tell pro-lifers that candidates are pro-life should also tell people if those candidates are elitists, making exceptions based on the crimes of their fathers.

We had one candidate here in NH that had a perfect pro-life voting record. His life demonstrated his pro-life views. His affirmation of those views from conception to natural death without exceptions for anything, not rape, not Alzheimers, not injury or disability, signed. Just a simple statement that we should not legally kill people.

He lost the primary by about 1,000 votes to a man who voted to retroactively fund the largest abortion vendors in the world. Why?

SBA endorsed the elitist woman candidate and not the one true pro-life candidate in our state. She drew 19,500 votes. Presumably, a good many of those votes were due to her constant proclamation that she is pro-life and her endorsement from SBA. Of course, no one could be sure. That is my view, but not my view alone.

It has happened in other states in the past. SBA doesn’t work with the state’s pro-life organizations. They never contacted NH Right to Life Political Action Committee. Their endorsement came long after NHRTL PAC’s. Their “primarily women” policy will cost lives here in NH.

And the devil and the abortion vendors laugh. We are not united to stop the bloodshed.

Women are wounded. Children are dead. Families are torn apart. Futures are destroyed. God help us.

He will hold each of us accountable.

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