Men and Abortion

The first time I talked with a man about his abortion story, he was calling me in a full-blown panic. His girlfriend had scheduled an abortion in the morning and he wanted to know what he could do about it. We are living at a time when people have many wildly varying views of men and abortion.

Men and Abortion

I had the very sad task of telling him that he had no rights regarding their child. If he couldn’t convince her to carry to term, she could do what she wanted. He was distraught. I honestly cannot really comprehend the torment he was feeling. I stayed on the phone with him for a long time as he began the mourning process. We kept in touch and he has been impacted for life.

He had investigated the age and development of his child. His heart was broken that he could do nothing to protect his child from what he knew to be a brutal act.

Another man who I’d spoken with at length, told me that he had been complicit in a couple of abortions. One was his own child. He too was mourning the loss but in a little different way. This man struggled with guilt, as opposed to helplessness. He had trouble in relationships and worked hard to overcome self-doubt. Eventually, he became a pastor and received the love and healing of God. In time, he started to work toward ending abortion within his circle of influence.

Abortion has truly impacted every person on the face of the earth. From those people no longer with us to the implications of abortion personally traumatizing them or a loved one. Abortion is a life and death situation. It is also a health and wellness decision. Because the destruction of another human life is involved, natural law is at work. It is unnatural for humans to kill other humans. This cosmic conflict creates an energy shift and a wounded soul.


Our health and wellness are impacted by those around us. The US has killed millions, perhaps as many as 60 million tiny helpless people through abortion. This is a very big stain on our collective health and wellness. Our economy, our schools, our families and loved ones are feeling the loss.

Each and every person is uniquely created for a purpose. Only you can solve the problem you were created for. Your special talents and abilities make you the most valuable you that there will ever be. No one can take your place and no one can be the expression of you on the earth. You matter.

It’s not a struggle for me to recognize that every single person, regardless of the circumstances, is a person, valuable and full of dignity. Men are naturally protective. It is against their nature to destroy other humans.

Just as the law of gravity can be overcome by the law of lift and thrust, the natural law of protective mankind can be overcome by the law of free will. That is why the term, choice, is so popular. It employs a natural law. It is compatible with our understanding. Nevertheless, you and I can and should choose life, that we and our descendants might live.

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