Verbal Gymnastics are Killing US

From the beginning of time, truth has been twisted to deceive us and kill, steal, and destroy human beings. ‘Verbal gymnastics’ is when someone tries to manipulate a situation to get what they want, often using lies mingled with truth.

Verbal gymnastics

It is the word substitutions and the semantics that cause the trouble. Words have meaning. When we attach an alternative meaning or a vague attributes to common words it doesn’t take long for ideas to get lost in translation.

Let us look at the word “choice”. We know that a choice means that a person may decide for one thing or another. To understand, this is a function of the free will granted to every person. We, in the USA, know better than some nations because we have known freedom. Slaves, incarcerated, and small children are the exceptions, but even they have some level of choice. Only the very young, including the pre-born and those mentally or physically incapacitated are prone to be denied the options of free will.

Choice is a topic of discourse in households across America and around the world. For many people, the choice of where to go or what is for dinner is the extent of their use of the word.

Words have meaning

Some people assign the word to a specific action: abortion.

For decades the simple word that has literally been given to human kind since the beginning of time, has come to be known as the option to kill the youngest members of the human race.

We see it in the Bible as a means to direct the people to choose life and blessing. Conversely, we are told that we have the option to choose death and cursing.

In our generation, we were deceived into thinking the choice of abortion was a simple one of controlling our reproductive systems, that it was a woman’s body that was affected, that abortion was a procedure done on a woman alone.

Abortion is the choice to kill a baby: to choose death and a curse.

Abortion affects the child the most, causing brutal death by dismembering. Which is a nice way of saying that his tiny arms and legs are ripped from his body using suction or serrated forceps that grip and lock onto each limb. The abortionists turns and pulls out his body parts. Or the abortionists will crush her tiny skull and deliver the softer parts to be sold for research. Let us speak the truth in defense of the little ones and refuse euphemisms of verbal gymnastics.

We’ve been told that it is a choice. Indeed, it is.

More Euphemisms

Other language that means the same kind of brutal murder is “Women’s health” and “Reproductive healthcare.”

Technology reveals the truth. It doesn’t allow ignorance of the reality that the choice of abortion is not just a procedure that a woman undergoes. There is a second person involved, a tiny baby, whose every choice has been denied.

The little one brutally killed by abortion cannot choose… ever. His choice has been taken from him. Her choice has been forever denied.

Words matter. Let us never forget what is being said.

Compassion and Choices is of the same spirit of death. The way of killing may be slightly less brutal but the results are the same. There is a dead person. Billed as a choice to die, evidences from around the world have shown that assisted suicide is a slippery slope to imposed death.

I cringe when I hear these terms. You cannot sanitize it. Their blood cries out.

There is a great cloud of witnesses. Our Creator has called heaven and earth as witnesses against us this day. It is set before us ‘life and blessing, death and cursing.’ Therefore, choose life that you and your descendants might live.

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