Lyme Life ~Pits

I cannot adequately describe frightening prospect of not being able to read. The idea that I would not be able to comprehend the basic premise of a bill before the legislature or grasp the message in a book was like being dropped into a deep...

Schizophrenic Society

We are living in a schizophrenic society. There is no doubt about it. The explosion of knowledge has made all knowledge equal to many people. Knowing what you had for dinner or that your cat did something cute and knowing that a man was burned...

Lyme Life Monday ~Distractions

Lyme is such a distraction. It detracts from everything else. I can think of many things that do likewise. It could be a job, a difficult circumstance, or a person consuming your energy and your thoughts. Maybe, it’s some other disability or long-term illness. Like...

Testify For Life

Testifying or any kind of public speaking can be terrifying for some people. I'm asking you to be courageous because people's lives are at stake. Legislators are people, just like you and me. We need to let them know that all lives matter.New Hampshire has...