Legislative Season Begins

This week, the New Hampshire legislative season begins in earnest.  There will be caucuses, committee meetings, and public hearings and Committees of Conference very soon.  The LSRs will become RSAs in short order.  Well, not too short.A Legislative Service Request has a bit of a...


Worst Christmas Ever

At the beginning of November, I’d been really run down and took some time to look over my commitments and plans for immediate future, as I frequently do.  It was quickly apparent that I had taken on way too many responsibilities.  Further, in assessing the...


Last week, I posted a story about a stretch of time in my life.  My purpose was to emphasize the fact that bad beginnings do not necessitate bad endings.I think that too many people feel that the trouble they are in is so bad, even...

How I Faked an Abortion

I was trapped in the sex trafficking industry.  Trafficking in persons is not like any regulated industry.  It is unmitigated anarchy. There are no rules.I was conceived during a brutal rape and learned of it when I was very young. That knowledge and child sexual...

Whose Mind Is It Anyway?

How many hours of TV do you watch every week? What about YouTube or Godtube or Vine.  What are you reading?  Do you spend a lot of time scrolling?  Obviously, these are rhetorical questions.  Many people couldn’t even answer instantly because we live in such...

15 Books

I sat at my desk and thought about all the book titles that were rolling around in my heart.  I came up with 15 titles, complete with outlines.I have written one and self published it.  At present I'm working on two more.  One is a...

What Are They Thinking?

The explosion of knowledge has brought both clarity and confusion.  The volume of information available to most people in the US is staggering.  One can literally learn about anything imaginable and find a multitude of things they would never imagine on their own.What is a...


Tragic Triggers

I am on social media daily.  This past week was a difficult week. Friends were posting about the couple that beat their precious three year old son to death over a period of three days because he refused his breakfast.  The pictures recovered from the...

What’s at Stake

Votes matter, but they are slow and often deceptive.A person may convince us that they are in line with our core principles, only to cave when there is social pressure.The politics of access is a dangerous thing.  Aligning with a person or group because they...