Human Rights & Wrongs

Humans rights are for all humans. We were created unique individuals with countless abilities and talents, emotions, vocabularies, culture and choice. Choice Choice has become a dirty word, but it isn't. It is our unique ability to choose that differentiates us from virtually every other creature. Ok,...

Help Trafficking Victims

There are many ways to help human trafficking victims. Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Pro-life pregnancy centers help women and families every day. Some of those clients are human trafficking victims, hidden in plain sight. The unidentified or misidentified "difficult" clients may be exhibiting responses to complex trauma. That...

No Greater Love

"No greater love, has anyone that this: to lay down their life for another," DP translation of John 15:13. No Greater Love You can say the words all you want, but if you are not actively making sacrifices for another person's benefit and wellbeing, you are not...