The Word, The Will and The Great Conspiracy
This could be a book.
I have long heard people say things like, “It is fate.” or “We are predestined.” or “God is in control.” or “It was meant to be.” All of which may be true, but not out of our control.
The Word of God has a lot to say about His sovereignty. I believe He can do most anything. I say most, because I believe He cannot do anything that is contrary to His own character. He cannot lie, for example. God is Love. So, He won’t do anything that is not ultimately loving. He may allow someone to go through horrific things and die. He may allow a storm to take a whole village. He may even allow a tragic diagnosis. But in His view, which I believe to be a little broader in scope than ours, He has a vision for good in the end or for a people or individual people.
I contend that; although I believe in a Creator God who is intimately involved in His creation, He works with our permission, submission and cooperation. We are co-workers together with God. Our human will is enough to thwart His plan for a situation. Of course, ultimately He can use any one else to accomplish what He wants to. His very Word says it has supernatural power. When I need restoration, I use the Words of the Bible to restore my soul.
If you have read this blog before, you know that I am a survivor of lots of abuses. I live well now because of my willingness to align myself with words of healing and health, encouragement and peace. My will, together with the Word, is awesome.
The great conspiracy is that old serpent, the devil’s, plot to trick us into thinking that this world is all there is and that everything happens for a reason and that we have no control over our lives. We are stripped of the power to change things when we believe this.
If we just move along the path that is in front of us aimlessly, without a destination in mind, we will miss our destiny.
Do you have a vision for your future?