Real Life
What is your real life?
This may sound like a crazy question. It may be a crazy question. It may be the only crazy question deserving of a thoughtful answer. Obviously, if you are reading this, you spend time on the internet and engaging in some form of social media, probably other forms of media too: radio, television, etc.
There are so many blurred lines these days. It is hard to know who or what to believe. It is really difficult to know what to support and what to ignore or oppose.
For example; a group purporting to rescue trafficked children was featured on a TV show recently. The comment tread following the clip that was posted online was full of skepticism, suspicion and distrust. The group was asking for donations and support. Ostensibly, to continue rescuing and broaden the scope of their work. People didn’t automatically jump on board.
Trust must be earned. But when is it unwarranted? President GW Bush said, “Read my lips…No new taxes.” Then soon enough, there were new taxes and his credibility went down the tubes. President Obama said, “If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it. If you like your doctor, you can keep him.” Now that so many people are receiving cancelation notices, perhaps the disillusionment is settling in. This is just one of a long list of lies that have been exposed by people we thought we could trust.
We don’t know what we don’t know. How often are we fed a pack of lies or an embellished truth? There are so many alternate news sites that claim to offer the opposite of what the main stream media reports. It would seem that we are jaded, as a nation. Our entire country has been duped again and again. It is hard for most people to trust anyone or anything.
It is so common for people to escape by zoning out on tv or the web, but hopefully we are aware and actively building our personal relationships. The real people in our lives need us. We need real people too. We need to be real with each other. We need to be honest and truthful.
That doesn’t mean we say every thing that is on our minds. Sometimes we must use a filter. That filter is a loving, thoughtful examination of what we are thinking to ask if it will help, heal or hinder. Speaking all things through this filter of true love will make the world a better place and it will make our lives better in every way.
Our real life is happening now.
Are you tuned in?