How do People Vote to Kill Children?
This week in Albuquerque New Mexico the people voted to allow 5 month old babies to be killed. True that are 20 weeks and older in the womb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v70cQzwRxfI
They haven’t been born, but clearly they are babies and clearly they can feel and respond to their surroundings and clearly some children have been born and with some medical interventions have grown to become wonderful, beautiful members of families.
This wasn’t a few people on an appointed court or panel. This was the general public. I am speechless. How can this be?
Kristan Hawkins, www.KristanHawkins.com suggests that it was the clause which allowed for fetal deformity. In other words, if the baby isn’t perfect we should be able to kill him or her earlier rather than allow them to live.
1st abortion is very bad for moms, more so if this is a first pregnancy. Because the breast tissue changes in the last trimester of pregnancy to get ready to nurture her child, when the pregnancy is unnaturally interrupted, the ducts have undifferentiated cells. Those cells that were in the process of changing can turn cancerous. www.abortionbreastcancer.com
2nd The risks for physical maternal damage is great. Inserting instruments to remove the baby can tear or puncture her uterus. Or depending on whether the baby was killed by lethal injection or not, ripping the little ones arms and legs off to kill him poses its own risks of damage. Just think about pulling his legs off with metal tongs, a jerk from the baby as he tries to get away could cause a tear or puncture.
3rd The emotional damage is often far greater than people realize and you cannot get a do-over. The emotional effects of abortion have long been studied by Dr. David Reardon. http://afterabortion.org Check out his work here.
And lastly, they voted to Kill Babies. I have heard so many stories about misdiagnosis and people out growing their difficulties. Who’s next? Do we really think this will end here? There are lots of disabled people in our nation. What of the elderly and their declining health and utility?
As Obamacare stumbles and flails and healthcare costs rise, do you think you are safe? What if you have an accident or sudden infection that threatens your ability to work and pay back the government elites for the healthcare services you’ll need?
Just look up World War II: The Holocaust, to see pictures of piles of bodies. Then, look up abortion pictures to see piles of bodies. It is the same. It is the same. Mass genocide.
Haven’t we learned from History?