Overwhelm the System
I don’t know very many people who can stand to investigate the news for too long. It is incredibly overwhelming. There are so many sources for information. One can get generalized news or specifically look for news related to a particular issue or subject, a regain or a smattering from the whole world.
One can hardly keep up with the scandals the Federal Administration is involved in. The wars and terrorist activities are all over the world. Crime is everywhere. Many people are experiencing sensory overload. Families are struggling to maintain relationships among their other responsibilities. The economic outlook is bleak. The illegal immigration is becoming another fiasco with potentially deadly consequences.
Few people can pull away to refresh and regroup. For those who do, the rewards are usually visible. During this season of vacations, many are choosing staycations to save money or avoid incurring more debt. The key to becoming peaceful is unplugging the barrage of media at times.
Ask yourself a few questions before you indulge:
- Have I spent some time at rest this week?
- Will I have an opportunity to rest in the next day or two?
- Are there real concerns that I must be aware of in my geographical location?
- Will the news I see provide an opportunity for me to prepare for events?
- How will I respond/react to more tragic news today?
- Is my personal and family well-being impacted by news that I need to follow?
- Can I follow the pertinent stories without being dragged down?
We all need time to rest. The Scriptures tell us to rest one full day every week. In our modern hustle and bustle, that is often difficult to do. I have found that with some diligence and careful control of my calendar, I can take short periods of time to reflect on God’s love for me and really settle my soul.
Your health, your relationships and your ability to live well is contingent on your self control. It is a fruit that must be cultivated and nourished.
Even if you are in a war zone, look for times when you can pull back for a few and rest. Give your body the strength you need by bringing your thoughts under your intentional control and imagine peace. You will create the chemicals that your body needs for healing and regaining strength.
In what ways do you refresh?