Speak Out Before it’s Too Late
As I travel today, enthralled in Michael Hyatt’s book, thoroughly enjoying the adventure, I was jarred back to the present. I looked up and over my left shoulder to see the silhouette of a church steeple as the newly rising sun was brilliantly shining into the van. We were entering the old city of Boston, Mass. It was stunning. A peace settled over me even though the van thumped every few seconds.
It will be a fantastic day here for some. Somewhere, there is
extreme joy. Somewhere, there are tears of desperate mourning. There are examples of every experience imaginable in between in a city like Boston. The explosion of knowledge spoken of in the Book of Daniel is surely here. I realize it hasn’t reached every corner of the earth yet, but it seems like it will soon. Story after story invades our every moment form various sources.
In my position as director of a political action committee, I have the privilege of meeting many people. I speak with legislators and candidates frequently. “ProLife voters are not single issue voters.” I tell them, “We just want to make sure the first issue is on the table before we look at other things.” Without the Right to Life, no other issues are important.
I have a unique perspective to share. Legislators are attacked by all sides, but few attackers are as nasty as those from the abortion industry. The only people that get more venom from them are the sidewalk counselors.
In spiteful tones, they declare the injustice of making women carry their babies to term and delivering them alive. They often spit out, “What ifs?”
What if a 15 year old girl gets raped?
You gonna make her carry a rapist’s child?
What if they’re going to live in terrible poverty?
What if they don’t get enough to eat every day?
What, what if the baby gets abused?
What if the child is a girl and is molested too?
What if she is sold into sex slavery at 14 years old?
What if she becomes a criminal, steeling cars, breaking into houses, vandalizing running drugs and such things?
What if she then gets pregnant as a result of trafficking?
They try to get the legislator to act according to emotion and jettison logic. The logic is that if there is a pregnancy, there is a baby, a human being worthy of protection. A moral society doesn’t kill people.
The example above accurately describes my beginning. I am that hard case.
It is super important that we realize that poor beginnings don’t necessitate poor ends.
I am not suggesting that we value a life because of what it may or may not produce. I am simply suggesting that we don’t kill people because of a bad beginning. Whether it is a crisis pregnancy or an illness or a disability, let us return to the first issue. We don’t kill people.
I speak out daily, to individuals, on social media, with my works of good will and by writing. I believe the time is nearing when we might not be free to do so.
How do you speak out?