The Historical Records

One of the silly movies I watch with my client is Galaxy Quest.  The Characters are supposed to be a sci-fi cast that had an actual encounter with extraterrestrials.  The aliens believe that the TV Shows that they received were actual historical records from earth.

You can imagine the silliness that would cause.  The media: TV, movies, radio and the internet do help shape history.  The things we see on a regular basis tend to normalize behaviors and attitudes in our families and communities.

Adultery and fornication were actually against the law, punishable by fines and jail time, not all that long a ago.  Now, it is expected as a normal prat of life for most people.  Even Christians, who are supposed to be well versed in the Scriptures fall prey to it.

The predisposition to honor parents and authority figures had been ingrained in society.  The evidence is clear in the books, newspapers and movies prior to the 1950s.  Some later too, but there is a definite shift that can be seen by comparing a few movies from different eras.

A steady diet of anything will have an effect.  Today’s young people have it rough with so much media.  Particularly, young people in developed nations.  It can be hard to put good stuff in our minds.  There is a theme of devaluing others that runs through so much of what we call entertainment.  Using or disposing of other people is merely a matter of choice.

Our brains are amazing though.  Scientists call it neuroplasticity.  It means we can change the way we think.  When I grew up, secrets and deceit, unpredictability and instability were the norms for me.  I never knew if there would be a violent episode in the house.  There seemed to be no way to predict when I would be drugged and molested.

All the way through my teen years, I experienced random acts of violence.  I had a lot of issues with insecurity, trust, relationship skills and basic communication at times.

I started to intentionally change the way that I think from about eighteen years old.  I used positive and uplifting phrases and passages from the Word of God to develop a new mindset.

I’d always felt unworthy.  Unworthy of anything, but especially of anything good. So, I’d tell myself what the Bible said about me.  Things like: Confess withe your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God and you shall be saved and He loves me and that I am the righteousness of God, because of the Son.  I filled my days with the Scriptures.

When my children were small, I called it saturation.  The Bible was in everything; the music we listened to, the tv and movies we watched, the books and school curricula we used, in the car, outside, in the house, with friends and at bedtime.  I strongly believe that is the reason that the line of abuse was broken in our lives.

My children are all grown now and I cannot tell them what to do.  When they were my responsibility I did my best to teach them the way they should go.  They are all great people and I am a totally different person.

How is what you surround yourself with affecting you?


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