Biblical Healing Strategy
I really believe reading and hearing teaching from the Bible every day is ultra important, but I live in the real world too. When I had two babies, a job and a house to take care of, I took one small passage of the Bible with me to get it into my head and my heart.
I would sometimes have a chance to think about it and write about how it could change me and or change my life.
Read, listen and respond. Sometimes there is a message of comfort and I just thank God. Sometimes there is a message of conduct and I will incorporate that into my day. If it is a real change for me, I will memorize it and post it and share it and do it as often as possible. Sometimes it is a new way of thinking about ourselves, about others or about a story that helps us to know God better.
These are in no particular order. There is no secret formula for healing from abuse. Some people will be completely overwhelmed by a passage and it may have little impact for others. There is no one way to interact with the Word. Each passage is like a seed that will grow in your life and change you for good.
This is the law of the seed. There’s a story, a parable, in the Bible that explains that the seed is the Word of God and the soil is your heart. It’s not magic and it’s not simply positive thinking. The Word will supernaturally change your life and although circumstances may not change, your response to them will change. You will be more peaceful. You will have assurance, assurance of true love, of your value, of your abilities, of your place in eternity.
[tweetthis]The more you interact with the Words, the more you will grow. [/tweetthis]
The more you interact with the Words, the more you will grow. It is like watering a seed that you plant. With plenty of water and the help of the sun a plant grows and produces fruit. God’s word is seed for your life. When you water it, with the help of Holy Spirit, you will see good fruit in your life. Holy Spirit is our Helper. He is the one Jesus promised to send to be in us to help us live our new life in the Kingdom of God.
The Bible says that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, kindness, gentleness, and self control. Just imagine your life full of these fruits. They are yours for the taking, but it does take time for them to grow and mature in your life. God is outside of time and He can use supernatural laws to supersede natural law and make any of these fruits grow superfast in your life, but in most cases, we take time to mature into the sweetness of life that we long for.
Then the harvest comes. There is seed, time and harvest. The harvest is living in love, joy and peace, etc. Tear out the pages and take them with you. Copy them or rewrite them on index cards. Do whatever you have to do to get the Word into your life, so you can know how valuable you are.
Some of the passages that I have pulled out for you could be expounded upon for pages and pages. Through careful study and allow-ing the Bible to interpret the Bible, you can put themes and patterns together that lead to better understanding.
In the few pages here are thoughts in one or more directions, but you should know that the Holy Bible is the manifold wisdom of God. Meaning, it is multifaceted and multidimensional, like a diamond. When you look at it, as you shift your view and look at it from a differing angle, the meaning is more colorful, more illuminated, more reflective and although it doesn’t change, your ability to grasp the wealth of value does change.
You are more valuable than handfuls of rubies. So valuable, that the King of Kings, the only Son of God Almighty suffered and gave up His life so you could live forever. You are THAT IMPORTANT!