You’re Missing the Point
If you are outraged at the video footage exposing the fact that Planned Parenthood actively markets baby body parts after brutally crushing and tearing the live baby apart, you are missing the point.
Planned Parenthood has been doing this for many, many years. Life Dynamics reported on this in the early 1990s. They had documents and paper trails and published that information way beck then.
Planned Parenthood employs excellent marketers and tremendously talented propaganda generators. Their messaging is current and their communication among affiliates is top notch.
The fact is, this organization makes it’s money by killing babies. They make more money killing older babies and they use multiple streams of income. They sell sex to children. Then, they sell condoms and low dose contraceptives, so kids will get pregnant. Then they sell abortions. After that, they donate the baby organs for substantial donations. They lobby states and Congress for our hard-earned tax money to fund their evil business as well.
Lila Rose and Live Action have documented the blatant disregard for the lives of young girls for years now. Actors have convinced staff that they are pimps trafficking little girls and staff have agreed to give them support in their torturous crimes and cover the crime with contraceptives and abortion.
There is nothing humanitarian about it. Their business is absolutely barbaric. They kill the smallest and most vulnerable members of society by pulling their arms and legs off and crushing their sculls or they cut them into pieces. They occasionally burn them with chemicals inside and out, until they are born dead after hours or, even days of what can only be, horrific torture.
No, it’s not that they use their victim’s bodies after their dead, it is that they kill them in the first place. Intentionally denying the right to life for children is a direct and utter transgression of our US Constitution and of moral law. That is what should be causing outrage.
They are using your money and my money to carry out their horrific deeds. Millions of tax dollars every year go to kill babies and wound women by abortion giant, Planned Parenthood.
There is valid outrage. Let’s not miss the point though. It is the murder of these children, before their organs are donated or sold, that is the real problem.
The national pro life groups immediately sent out fundraising emails when the video started to gain momentum. I find that repulsive. Some had a call to action, but some just called for money. In NH, the Executive council is due to vote on a contract to award money to Planned Parenthood, so our NHRTL sent an email asking people to contact the Committee members and ask them not to fund the heinous acts of Planned Parenthood with our hard-earned money.
National leaders are making statements about how horrible it is that they are selling bay parts. This is nothing new. The horror is that they are killing babies. Let’s not get distracted by the reports. The company buying, is complicit, obviously. If there is no demand, their would be no sale. But it is still not the issue. They are buying after the baby has been killed by crushing her little chest or hacking off her limbs. That is the point.
What did you think when you saw the video?
I totally agree. Let’s continue to fight this battle which is a spiritual one.
Every day, I pray. Every night, when sleep evades, I pray; sending angels, asking Holy Spirit to soothe His, binding Satan and all demonic powers in many cases, blessing those out at the doors with strength and favor, calling for people to provide the solutions to the problems that would cause people to consider abortion, and asking the King of Kings to supply the needs of those impoverished, especially in the inner city where the abundance of people does’t necessarily mean community. I also pray for healing and restoration for the many who have submitted to abortion.
Wisdom: Work like it’s all up to you and pray like it’s all up to God.
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