What Would You Say to a Candidate?

I talk with a lot of candidates and legislators. Some on a regular basis. Others only during election season. In my role with the NH Right to Life Political Action Committee, I interviewed candidates. Ever think, “What do I say to a candidate?”


When a candidate says they’re 100% pro-life, except for rape and incest, it blows my mind. How dare you mislead the public? Your survey is recorded. You wrote it. You signed it. “Shame on you,” that’s what I would say. Well, I don’t actually shame people by using those words.

And what about the candidates that sign the 100% Affirmation Form, that clearly says, “No Exceptions.” Yet, their survey says they support exceptions! UGH. I certainly look at all of it. If a survey says they’re undecided on exceptions, then I get their 100% Affirmation, I expect they have resolved their conflict.

Not so. Often, not so. They want to be known as pro-life, but they are wishy-washy. During a conversation with these people, I say, “Would you like to talk through your conflict and see if you might come to a resolution or would you like to rescind your Affirmation now?”

Say Candidate??

You should not sign an Affirmation that says you know abortion kills a human being, and as long as you are in office, you will do your best to protect babies, moms, and their futures from abortion, but then say it ok to further traumatize rape victims by making them a target for the brutal entry of their bodies to cut up their children and make them complicit in the killing of another human being.

Abortion in these circumstances often results in continued trauma and continued abuse. Statistics show that a woman whose right to liberty was violated by rape or trafficking or incestuous abuse are less likely to willingly submit to violating the very right to life for another, especially their own child.

Any Candidate??

What about anonymous abortion statistics? Some candidates are undecided. Here in NH, abortion has bee shrouded in mystery. Very little reporting can be found. How many children are being killed? What percentage are done to underage girls? How many repeat abortions? In what areas of the state are they being done?

“This information is valuable to prevent recurrent sexual abuse and trafficking, to provide resources to women who would carry to term, and to establish help for women who felt they had no real choice,” this is the simplest reason for keeping statistics. How can we meet the real needs of women, if we don’t know what those needs are?

What about forcing taxpayers to pay for abortion? Planned Parenthood is supposedly a nonprofit. Yet their retained revenue is in the millions of dollars. If we must let them do their horrific business of tearing babies limb from limb, please don’t make us pay for it. Some states actually support resource centers that provide actual help for women facing unplanned or crisis pregnancy. Wouldn’t that be nice?

What of assisted suicide? People die. That is part of life. We all die. The difference here is that some people are being put to death. That whole, Thou shall not murder thing… Ya, that. All we have to do is look at the places that this goes on and we can find many, many instances of people being killed against their will or unaware. Instead of treating depression or illness, the cheap way out becomes that go-to. No, let’s not legalize more killing.

% Prolife Candidate??

Then, people want to say they’re pro-life, but they want to support other candidates that are pro-abortion. I do understand the dilemma. Really, I do. Progressive policies have destroyed many places and people. Active support of killing babies isn’t pro-life. If the candidate wins, you have nullified your own pro-life vote. How does this make sense? So that some economic policy might pass… Perhaps, some technical procedure or a tax will or will not be enacted? So a bridge would be built?

How much is that worth? Is it worth the life of another child? What if the cost is the life of a woman who commits suicide because of the grief? Is it worth hundreds of dead babies? Is it worth the future families that could be citizens of New Hampshire. Will the current or temporary economic growth by the permanent shedding innocent blood be worth your support?

Is your friendship contingent on your support for their candidacy? I suggest that is not true friendship. You can certainly be kind and get along with people without giving away your ability to protect the lives of other human beings.

Those are the things I say. What about you?


  • Myriam Jordan

    Thank God for Darlene, her courage & passion for such critical topic. God gave us the gift of life. Who are we that we feel fully comfortable, as a society, to dismiss HIS gift and kill our own children? What kind of deranged minds decide to kill others because their lives would otherwise be an embarrassment or an inconvenience?

    August 19, 2017 at 9:57 am

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