Born in Sin, Born Again
I was invited to a television interview last week. The interviewer asked me why my website is named theDarlingPrincess. It was transformational to grasp that I was born in sin and then, born again.
Born in Sin
I was conceived in an act of violence when my 15-year-old mother was raped. So, when the Scripture says that we are born into sin, I have a much more dramatic view of the implications than most people.
If your mom and dad were married and had a normal relationship, you might not grasp it nearly the same way. For most people, this concept is about recessive iniquity, the generational potential for sin. Sin, being defined as living against the ways of our creator. (my own personal definition)
Some of us were subjected to child sexual abuse. That kind of core violation can really skew our perception of, well, pretty much, everything. Mostly, it makes the concept of being born into sin a huge obstacle to overcome. When I was a kid, I felt worth less than others. My value was only in that I could be used.
That played out in every decision I made both consciously and subconsciously. I was angry, self-sabotaging, deceitful, and destructive. The sin consciousness, the feeling of being tainted, damaged goods, never good enough, and definitely not worthy of love and goodness was all over me.
Born Again
I accepted the Good News that we had a God, a Creator that wanted a relationship with us so much that He sent His only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ that anyone who would just agree with Him could become part of His family forever. I accepted it dozens or scores of times, maybe a hundred times. What I lacked was how to have a relationship with Him.
I was sold into sex trafficking on my fourteenth birthday. It was as though I were floating down a river with no way to steer or direct the course or as if I was living out a script that was written for me. I didn’t know how to be free. Actually, I thought I was free. For years, I lived in my sneakers. I left school in the sixth grade. Although, I was back home for a while and went to two months of seventh grade. In and out of foster care, on the streets, with friends, with people from all walks of life as buyers, in a stable (an apartment with other trafficked girls).
Even then, I accepted the message of God’s love as supernatural with televangelists or outdoor tent meetings. Then, I was back to hellish circumstances, existing: numb with drugs and alcohol.
At seventeen, I was a “house pet” for one buyer. He threatened to kill me if I didn’t abort. I had attempted suicide on numerous occasions. And put myself at mortal risk many times. I did not care about my life at all.
God did, though.
He gave me a supernatural dream and the ability to fake and abortion and then, helped me hide from the buyer. It was during that time that I learned that I could decide how to live. In fact, I could choose to direct my thoughts and make decisions on purpose. I learned that the Word of God had actual power to change me inside my heart and outside, in my circumstances.
I learned to read Scriptures. Following many teachers helped me to learn to see the deeper meanings and the clear directives. I learned that I was His daughter. Since He is King of Kings, then I am His Darling Princess. He loves me. That is why my site is called theDarlingPrincess.
He loves you, too.
When you know that, everything changes.
Do you know it? I mean really know it? I hope so. If you need help finding the powerful words that can change your life, contact me or just reply in the comments.
Angela Wittman
May the good Lord bless you, sister! This is a beautiful testimony of God’s grace! Thank you for sharing it. 🙂
God bless you too, Angela!