Lyme Life Monday ~Demonic

Everything about Lyme Disease points to demonic powers.


I believe the world was created by One Creator. There are simply too many complex structures and intricate processes to come about by random chance. One book, made up of 66 books, explains the way it happened. It also tells of Lucifer, a created angel in charge of all the worship who wanted the worship for himself. Thrown out of the majesty of heaven, he was crushed and broken, crawling in the dirt of the earth. He developed a total hatred for people.

He hates you and me because our creator loves us. We were designed to live forever covered in glory and filled with positive energy, wisdom, creativity, productivity, kindness and love. The devil and his demons are wholly committed to destroying us. Let’s look at Lyme Disease.

Lyme attacks our bodies.

We are spirits, we have a soul, our mind, will, and emotions, and we live in a body. Our body is the way we respond to the world. We interact in this temporal state by using our senses and functioning physically. When our body doesn’t work, we cannot live in the perfect state that we were designed to do. Pain slows us, tremors and staggering inhibit us, food reactivity harasses us, low energy and fatigue deplete us, fevers discourage us, and sensory problems isolate us.

Lyme attacks our brains.

Brain fog is that fuzzy thinking that you know that you don’t understand but you still cannot figure it out. The progression may become significant. I stood in front of the sink unable to figure out how to wash the dishes. The fear of dementia was overwhelming. I knew I wanted to wash the dishes but I didn’t know how. Word finding problems, studdering, stammering and stalling speech frustrates all of our relationships. We struggle to talk with people and with our creator.

Lyme attacks our emotions.

Because our emotions are affected by our body and our minds, they are directly impacted. Our soul is the part of us that lives here on earth. It is like a stage of development. Our soul has three parts that constantly vie for domination. Emotions can drive us if we let them. Emotions are the least reliable force that motivates us. Discouragement, fear, frustration, anger, and mourning depresses our will. Our will to survive and thrive can be managed. It is a huge struggle to fill our minds with hope for the future.

Lyme attacks community.

People are an interdependent species. We need each other. I remember thinking about how the cross pictures this. We need a relationship with the creator and we need relationships with other people. The medical community is so split on Lyme. Some say it doesn’t exist. Others, who have decried that there are unlawful, immoral people profiting from Lyme, are ostracized and a few have been found dead. The confusion and lies are damaging for all people. We want to trust people. Relationships require trust. With so many in the medical community at odds, everyone’s credibility is questioned, patients and practitioners.

My hope is in God.

Doctors can help chase symptoms, but only God is our healer. If we will resist the devil and he will have to flee. I will submit to God and do my very best to find His will for my life. I hope you will too.

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