Abortion Isn’t Small Talk

Abortion is not casual dinner conversation. No one enjoying dinner with acquaintances is going to ask if you’ve had an abortion recently. Holiday meals with extended family wouldn’t be the place to announce that either. A jovial chat around the water cooler at the office will never include,”So, what’d you do on vacation?” “Ya, I had an abortion.” Because abortion isn’t small talk.

Abortion isn’t small talk

It may be in some places. But in general, most people know that abortion is a grave subject. Even if you believe that abortion is a legal right and the baby is only a potential human being, we all know death is involved.

A new human is formed at fertilization, gender is determined, traits are already laid out, and nothing but nutrition and safety is needed until they are old enough to care for themselves.

Everyone starts out the same. We begin as one cell. At eighteen days, hearts beat. By six weeks, organs are formed and arms and legs can be seen. At ten weeks, fingernails and smaller defined features are visible. By twenty weeks, few details are left to develop before birth. At thirty weeks, children have been born in need of interventions for shorter times. If by thirty-six weeks, babies are born, they are able to go home without extended hospitalizations. At forty weeks or more, the same children that started out as a single cell are ready for anyone to continue to take care of them.

Pregnancy is temporary

A pregnant woman is the only one who can care for and protect her child before he or she is born. Once she has delivered, lots of others can step in and help. It is a temporary assignment of immense responsibility. People used to call it the EDC, Expected Date of Confinement.

That’s why I have always said that the right to life is superior to the right to liberty, as in the Declaration of Independence. …life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are consecutive rights. They are not concurrent or equal.

Yes, a woman who is pregnant is confined to pregnancy and this may be unfair. As in the case of rape or if the mother has been the victim of child sexual abuse. Nevertheless, her confinement is temporary. Abortion is permanent.

Abortion, the act of intentionally killing the smallest and most vulnerable members of society. It is a brutal procedure that compounds the trauma of assault conception. Abortion becomes a second assault against her, that kills her child, even if she willingly submits to it.

Abortion is a heinous crime against humanity. The act of killing a human being will, therefore, never be small talk. Abortion kills a new human being. Abortion isn’t small talk. It is possibly the most important human rights issue of all time.



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