The Super Secret Cause of Christmas
The cause of Christmas
In 2018, the world seems like a dark place for many people. Some people don’t have money for their needs. Others squander money and resources, claiming poverty. They are poor, but not materially. They have a poverty mentality. Eating fast-food, buying cheep gifts for their children, wasting time and energy on uselessness drains them.
A momentary boost of neurotransmitters occurs during purchases, but like a drug, the resulting consequences are unattractive. An abundance of junk and a lack of energy is the resulting long-term reality. Christmas is an arduous task to be survived.
Yet others are in circumstances so abhorrent that the twinkling lights and pleasantries of the season are either nonexistent or a contradiction to their reality. Abuse and disregard for life and liberty are prevalent, even in the USA. We have become a cruel nation for so many. Since prayer and the Bible were taken from the government schools, children are often growing up with no knowledge of the true cause of Christmas.
Hidden in Plain Sight
The constant distraction of modern technology, whether tv, phone, tablet, and computers has lulled many into a state of immobile unrest. Although, their bodies are still, their minds are drawn into the swirling depths of discontent.
At times we dance to the music with the beats that resonate within us in primal and nearly uncontrollable compulsion while singing the lyrics in unquestioning compliance. Children are being brought up with no knowledge of where they came from, where they are going, or why they are here. Their young minds are formed by the musings of broken people battered by the brokenness of the world.
Themes of hopelessness or ardent resistance are juxtaposed to the loving kindness that is the reason for Christmas. Modern mankind has lost the truth. Even believers are unaware of the magnitude of the gift given and the power of the grace bestowed.
Shopping, decorating, gift giving, and obligatory parties have replaced loving kindness in the lives of so many. We may even give to the truly poor, soothing our conscience and absolving our guilt for not attending to the real need for connection in the lives of those right around us.
Surely, some people still know the super secret cause of Christmas.
While so many people are absorbed in man-made devices, a few remain on the narrow path to the secret place. They are the ones who look around and evaluate the sky and sea, who investigate the stories and language of our world and find order and complexity. They see unquestionably, the work of creation.
The worlds were created by a benevolent being, Who, being the embodiment of love, made everything good, from the heavenly hosts to the microbes in the water. The whole earth was filled with goodness, love and light. But the archangel, responsible for directing worship, decided that he wanted the worship for himself.
Lucifer was thrown out of heaven and became Satan and he took a third of the angels with him. Then, he tempted the woman God had created. She disobeyed and took from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Having done so, she and her husband were driven from the garden because if they had stayed, they may have eaten from the Tree of Life and lived in that terrible state forever. Separated from their creator, Adam and Eve had trouble until they died. However, there was a promise.
The promise was that a special Son would be born that would crush the head of evil for all time. Ever since the promise was made, Satan has been trying to stop it and when he could not, he tricked people into distraction from it.
The distraction isn’t enough, though. Evil isn’t just to keep us from eternal bliss. The intent is destruction of everything good, especially human beings. Evil’s intent is to thwart the promise by all means, primarily by abortion and abuse, murder and mayhem.
The real secret cause of Christmas is Christ, the holy Son of God. In a special secret way the Spirit of God overshadowed a young virgin from the lineage of the chosen people, the people of the promise. She agreed when approached by the messenger that she would bear the Son, who would crush evil and deliver people to experience pure goodness.
His birth was recorded and celebrated by angels and men. Satan distracted most people, tricking them to draw them away from the promise. In Judea, he inspired King Herod to kill all the baby boys, in an attempt to kill the promise.
Joy to the world
The super secret cause of Christmas is the promise of life in heaven with the Creator, where everything is good and where there is no more pain and no more tears. The brokenness of this world that was, will fade away and eternity will be full of love. He came as the perfect gift, the way to the truth of eternal life.