Human Rights & Wrongs
Humans rights are for all humans. We were created unique individuals with countless abilities and talents, emotions, vocabularies, culture and choice.
Choice has become a dirty word, but it isn’t. It is our unique ability to choose that differentiates us from virtually every other creature. Ok, so some choose, but not the way we do, discussing our choices with words and exchanging ideas about what it will be that we choose.
We choose to be kind and compassionate. Or we choose to hurt others. Scripture says that even out Creator tells us to choose, “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, obey Him, and hold fast to Him.” Deuteronomy 30:19
Abortion advocates wold have you choose abortion. They call out, “Abortion Rights.”
Human Rights
Human rights are actually a value proposition. Do we value humans or not? If we do, we will treat people with resect and honor them. We protect them regardless of their station or significance. Our lawmakers make laws that protect people and their rights, if the value humans because they are humans and not for what they can contribute.
Every human should be covered by the phrase from our Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Human Wrongs
Abuses of all forms happen when humans treat each other without value. Murder, rape, human trafficking of all kinds, slavery, removal of organs, manipulation and exploitations of every kind, including sex trafficking. Buying and selling human beings to use their bodies for the sexual gratification of another is a core violation. It violates humanity. Hurting human beings is a “human wrong.”
Murder and abortion go a step further. The entire person is destroyed, never to be alive on earth again. In my state, this year, the murder rate was the highest it’s been in years. We have absolutely no idea how many abortions happen here. Unless there has been some secret reporting, no one is telling. How many of the tiniest members of the human race have lost their lives here in New Hampshire?
Staff and volunteers of pregnancy centers are among our community service professionals as heroes. They serve women and families from various walks of life without regard to their status, at no cost to them, in communities of greatest need. Pregnancy centers help women choose life by offering tangible goods, education, and help with lots of other services.
They undoubtably serve victims of abuse and human trafficking too. That’s why I created a course to help them respond to the problem of human trafficking here in the USA. From what is trafficking to a Biblical response, I put together 12 modules. The webpage is Rahab’s Gift because Rahab doubly risked her life to get out of her situation as a harlot living in the wall of Jericho. Her gift of faith is well documented in the Bible and she is even mentioned in the lineage of Christ.
Human Trafficking
Watch the video portions of our course. From January first 2020 until the twelfth, each day I’m posting one video. I hope they help you know more about human trafficking. If you think they are worth watching, pass them on to someone else who will too.