Survivor. Speaker. Advocate.

About Darlene

dp-highres-02Iwas conceived by rape, grew up feeling worth less than others. I was a target of human trafficking at 13, sold into prostitution on my 14th birthday, and faked an abortion to get free from the man holding me. Kind pro-lifers helped me escape. I pledged my life to God, married a wonderful man, raised five great children and now have grandchildren.


By God’s grace I share my story online too. You might enjoy the video, titled Darlene’s Story, with CornerstoneNH or a blog post with Savethe1.

I believe we should absolutely reject the utilitarian view that people are valuable only if they can contribute to society in arbitrarily contrived ways. We should all hold to the Declaration of Independence’s admonition that each of us is endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights: the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These God given rights are consecutive, not concurrent.

Without the right to life, nothing else matters.

While raising our family, I had been a practicing nurse for 26 years, served in our community. I’ve worked in ProLife ministry for more than 25 years. Today, I speak in many venues, including banquets and fundraisers. Each year, I offer testimony before the NH Legislature. You might see me at public events, hear me on radio or TV interviews. I also speak at schools, churches, youth groups and other groups around New England and the nation. I am a member of numerous anti-trafficking organizations. It is a pleasure to work with so many great people. We collaborate to provide education to legislators, law enforcement, healthcare professionals and social service providers.

“Rahab’s Gift of Faith inspired Darlene to create a course for pregnancy and community resource centers to help them recognize and respond to human trafficking.” ~Lisa

I share stories and encouragement, Healing from Child Sexual Abuse, and Human Trafficking. ProLife Apologetics are always in my blog. Human Rights apply to all humans or they are not natural rights, but elitist ideology. Sometimes thought provoking, sometimes comforting, I share my heart. The heart of a woman transformed by God’s grace. Join Darlene in the conversation.