
Political Bullies

Political bullying happens on both ends of the spectrum.  My conservative friends are quick to point out that the big banks, unions and Progressives use their leverage and dubious tactics to influence legislation and public policy.My Friends, the people on the right are sometimes wrong...

A Short Testimony

My name is Darlene.  My father is a serial rapist.In 1966, Claire was a 16 year old girl. She was invited to the movies by a new boy at school.  He was charming and her parents gave permission.  On the way home, it began to...

Life Lights

The Bible says, “You are the light of the world.” Without light we cannot see things in front of us.  We don’t know where anything is.  We cannot even navigate.  Blind people compensate with other senses.  They use cues and sensory input that sighted people generally...

You Can Do Anything

"You can do anything."I don’t remember ever hearing this when I was growing up: not from parents or other family members, not from teachers, not even from anyone on TV.My children heard it every week. We chose home education.  I tailored individual plans for each...


Wives have been known to kill their husbands.  Husbands sometimes kill their wives.  Having them around can be very inconvenient.  Some nag and complain all the time.  Some have health issues that really drag the family down financially and limit their ability to vacation or...

Are You Ready?

Ready for what?  You might ask.  This is a loaded question in this format.  If you were planning to go to the mall or the beach, you would know exactly what to be ready for.  For the purpose of discussion, We’d need more information to...

Shine On

As a young Christian mom, I wanted to share my faith and knowledge of God with everyone I met.  I had so many miracles in my young life, so many supernatural experiences, that no one and nothing could shake my faith in Jesus Christ as...

Trafficking US

I recently attended a training hosted by For Such A Time Ministries and NH Traffick Free (a Project of Real Life Giving) in collaboration with the Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking.The Hands That Heal training has been so powerful and presented so well, it...