87 Ways to Save a Life

With all the intense debate about Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of the babies they kill, there have been a lot of attacks on what it means to be pro-life. As a Board member on numerous pro-life organizations, I get to see a few...

How Is This a Thing?

Most of you have heard about the horrors of Planned Parenthood. I first learned about the real Planned Parenthood in the late 1980s. In 1980, I was introduced to them as a thirteen year old girl. I was slow to develop, so I really looked...


You’re Missing the Point

If you are outraged at the video footage exposing the fact that Planned Parenthood actively markets baby body parts after brutally crushing and tearing the live baby apart, you are missing the point.Planned Parenthood has been doing this for many, many years. Life Dynamics reported...

Medicate, Mask or Master

I have Lyme disease. Sometimes I medicate, which may alleviate the symptoms at the root or it may just mask them. Other things are under my direct control. My diet and supplements affect pain levels and disability or ability, as the case might be.In my...

The Slow Care Tract

Prior to the passage of what is commonly called Obamacare, there were people who knew their history, who were warning of death panels.  People who knew that there would have to be limitations and curtailment of services, if there ware to be a single-party payer...

People are Amazing

The best thing about being a person is the continuous development. From one cell, produced when two cells meet and combine DNA, we are who we are. But wait, there's more: our physical development is just the beginning.Our cells will grow in line with the...

Dems Hyde Intentions

New Hampshire’s democrat congresswomen advocate for abortion as part of health insurance plans. Abortion is NOT healthcare.  Healthcare implies the improvement of health by providing care.  Abortion brutally kills a tiny person with no trial, no defender and no legal protections.ABORTION COVERAGE IN HEALTH LAW: Voting...