Biblical View of Preborn Life
As Christians, we should know the Biblical view of preborn life. Knowing the Scriptures is no trivial pursuit. The Word of God is living and powerful, like a two edged sword...
I've been reading about the horrific conditions and social ramifications of rape as an act of warfare in the Congo and Rwanda. Most articles expose the problem and a few address the long-term effect it has on society and individuals. There is no justice to...
We all want change. It is human nature to want some change. Most people don't look for major changes in their daily life, but when it comes to politics, everyone can find things that they believe should change.There were studies that I'd read when the...
The March for Life is a public witness to the fact that people care about the right to life for all human beings, regardless of age, size, location, environment, degree of dependency. It started because restrictive abortion laws were no longer being enforced and the...
Lots of people still set New Years' Resolutions. Lots of statistics show they seldom stick. Lots of people choose strategies for goal setting that really work for life.Early in my marriage, Mark and I had few times out alone together. We started our marriage with...
Lyme has taught me much about life. Long before I had a diagnosis, there were lessons about how to manage life with a body that doesn't cooperate. I guess they are some pretty universal truths. So, I'll share a few with you. I think a...
I read a story yesterday that turned my stomach. A judge decreased a mandatory sentence for a child rapist by 15 years. He reasoned that his crime was not premeditated.Where is the justice? If he raped a three year old girl, he had to have thought...
Most everyone gets colds every once in a while. When I get colds, it hits me a bit differently than the people around me. When my children were little and they got a cold, I would get really, down-for-the-count sick. I never understood it. All...
When I started this blog with the new theme, I expected to be actively fighting sex trafficking. Having survived four years of living in my sneakers and child sexual abuse from toddlerhood, God has brought me so far; from uttermost to uttermost.Yesterday, I received a...
In the whole hubbub about no shopping on Thanksgiving and Black Friday's obvious drawbacks, there are a few positive inventions. Small Business Saturday, which I thought would be good in the spring, is that Saturday after Thanksgiving. Then, there's Sale Sunday everywhere. Cyber Monday is...